MHARR Issues & Perspectives


“Lead, Follow … Or Get Out of The Way”

The last decade-plus has not been especially kind to the manufactured housing industry and consumers of affordable housing. The 21stCentury began with a great deal of promise for the industry and consumers alike. With record production levels and a comprehensively-reformed federal manufactured housing law (i.e., the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000) that officially recognized …

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MHARR-Issues and Perspectives The Illusion of Motion Versus Real-World Challenges-Apng

“The Illusion of Motion Versus Real-World Challenges”

Motion – or, more accurately, activity – in and of itself, is not necessarily synonymous with, or equivalent to, real progress, or, in fact, any progress at all.  Recent reports emerging from elsewhere within the universe of organizations representing the manufactured housing industry paint a uniformly rosy picture of almost non-stop engagement, dialogue, meetings, conferences, …

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Let’s start off with a truism. And that truism, quite simply, is that within the HUD manufactured housing program, the so-called “monitoring” function has grown, expanded and metamorphosized over time, to become something that it was never meant, designed or intended to be, with a private contractor exercising defactogovernmental authority over regulated parties. Of course, …



“Restoring the Rule of Law To Manufactured Housing Regulation”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]MHARR —ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES By Mark Weiss JULY 2018 The rule of law, and the supremacy of law over the arbitrary whims of individuals who happen to wield government power, was a profound concern for the founders who debated and developed the Constitution of the United States. For over two centuries, legal scholars have pointed …

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HUD Secretary Carson Addresses Manufactured Housing At Oversight Hearing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]JUNE 27, 2018   TO:                 MHARR MANUFACTURERS                         MHARR STATE AFFILIATES                         MHARR TECHNICAL REVIEW GROUP (TRG)  FROM: MHARR  RE:  HUD Secretary Carson Addresses Manufactured Housing At Oversight Hearing The House of Representatives’ Financial Services Committee held an oversight hearing for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on June 27, 2018. The sole witness …

HUD Secretary Carson Addresses Manufactured Housing At Oversight Hearing Read More »


“MHARR Leadership Continues to Produce Results for Industry”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]MHARR, as an organization, has always been tasked with being a leader on the issues it addresses. Established by industry pioneers in 1985, MHARR was not designed, and was never intended to be, a status quo organization given to complacency, pulling punches, or “going along” with regulators, industry detractors, or anyone else. It was formed, …

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“Diversion, Distraction or Destruction — And Time to Raise the Red Flag?”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]According to recent press reports, nearly fifty percent (or more) of the HUD Code manufactured housing production market is currently held by one manufacturer, Clayton Homes, Inc. (Clayton), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Corporation (BHC).  At the same time, at least thirty-five percent of the manufactured home consumer finance market (as acknowledged by BHC …

“Diversion, Distraction or Destruction — And Time to Raise the Red Flag?” Read More »


New Bill Addresses MH Inclusion/Regulatory Impacts

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A new bill has been introduced in Congress by Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA) that would impact both the regulation of manufactured housing by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and, potentially, the utilization of HUD-regulated manufactured housing by local jurisdictions that receive housing-related federal grants from HUD.  If pursued correctly by the …

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“For Manufactured Housing, the Obama Administration Never Left Town”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Recognizing that excessive government regulation plays a major role in stifling economic growth while inflicting disproportionate harm on the multitude of small businesses that are the engine of job creation within the American economy, President Trump came to office in January 2017 on a platform of “deconstructing the administrative [i.e., regulatory] state.” Consistent with this …

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