
Letter on Nomination of Ms. Dana Wade to Serve as HUD Assistant Secretary

Letter on Nomination of Ms. Dana Wade to Serve as HUD Assistant Secretary


Letter on Nomination of Ms. Dana Wade to Serve as HUD Assistant Secretary

Dear Chairman Crapo and Ranking Member Brown:

I am writing on behalf of the members of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) to voice our strong support for the nomination and confirmation of Ms. Dana Wade to serve as the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Assistant Secretary for Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner.

MHARR, as you know, is a Washington, D.C.-based national trade association which represents the views and interests of independent producers of federally-regulated manufactured housing and other small businesses that constitute the traditional core of the American manufactured housing industry. MHARR was founded in 1985 and its members are situated in all regions of the United States.

Ms. Wade – who has a wealth of experience regarding housing and housing finance – showed herself to be a strong advocate for affordable housing, including affordable manufactured housing, during her prior tenure at HUD. Commendably, Ms. Wade was always available to hear the concerns of both the industry and consumers of affordable housing, and took key actions to modernize the federal manufactured housing program at HUD and bring it more closely into compliance with the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000, after nearly two decades of needless delay.

Ms. Wade has thus already shown herself to be a tireless advocate for safe, decent, quality and affordable housing. Particularly given the urgent national need for affordable housing and homeownership that exists today, she would be an important and worthy addition to the management team at HUD.  Consequently, MHARR strongly supports her nomination and urges the Committee to recommend her for confirmation by the full Senate.

Thank you in advance and thank you for your own work to support and advance the availability of affordable homeownership for Americans at all rungs of the economic ladder.

Mark Weiss
President and CEO


MAY 5, 2020
Confirmation Hearing for Special Inspector General and Treasury and Housing Departments

The Senate Banking Committee held a confirmation hearing for Brian Miller to be the special inspector general for the Treasury Department pandemic recovery funds and Dana Wade to be the federal housing commissioner and Housing and Urban Development Department assistant secretary for housing. Throughout the hearing, Democratic members questioned Mr. Miller about his role as associate counsel to President Trump and his ability to be independent of the White House if confirmed. In his opening statement, Mr. Miller stated, “If confirmed, I will conduct every audit and investigation with fairness and impartiality.” Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the committee followed social distancing guidelines and many senators participated remotely by video teleconference

Letter on Nomination of Ms. Dana Wade to Serve as HUD Assistant Secretary

Dear Chairman Crapo and Ranking Member Brown:

I am writing on behalf of the members of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) to voice our strong support for the nomination and confirmation of Ms. Dana Wade to serve as the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Assistant Secretary for Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner.

MHARR, as you know, is a Washington, D.C.-based national trade association which represents the views and interests of independent producers of federally-regulated manufactured housing and other small businesses that constitute the traditional core of the American manufactured housing industry. MHARR was founded in 1985 and its members are situated in all regions of the United States.

Ms. Wade – who has a wealth of experience regarding housing and housing finance – showed herself to be a strong advocate for affordable housing, including affordable manufactured housing, during her prior tenure at HUD. Commendably, Ms. Wade was always available to hear the concerns of both the industry and consumers of affordable housing, and took key actions to modernize the federal manufactured housing program at HUD and bring it more closely into compliance with the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000, after nearly two decades of needless delay.

Ms. Wade has thus already shown herself to be a tireless advocate for safe, decent, quality and affordable housing. Particularly given the urgent national need for affordable housing and homeownership that exists today, she would be an important and worthy addition to the management team at HUD.  Consequently, MHARR strongly supports her nomination and urges the Committee to recommend her for confirmation by the full Senate.

Thank you in advance and thank you for your own work to support and advance the availability of affordable homeownership for Americans at all rungs of the economic ladder.

Mark Weiss
President and CEO


MAY 5, 2020
Confirmation Hearing for Special Inspector General and Treasury and Housing Departments

The Senate Banking Committee held a confirmation hearing for Brian Miller to be the special inspector general for the Treasury Department pandemic recovery funds and Dana Wade to be the federal housing commissioner and Housing and Urban Development Department assistant secretary for housing. Throughout the hearing, Democratic members questioned Mr. Miller about his role as associate counsel to President Trump and his ability to be independent of the White House if confirmed. In his opening statement, Mr. Miller stated, “If confirmed, I will conduct every audit and investigation with fairness and impartiality.” Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the committee followed social distancing guidelines and many senators participated remotely by video teleconference

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