MHARR Issues & Perspectives


“For Manufactured Housing, the Obama Administration Never Left Town”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Recognizing that excessive government regulation plays a major role in stifling economic growth while inflicting disproportionate harm on the multitude of small businesses that are the engine of job creation within the American economy, President Trump came to office in January 2017 on a platform of “deconstructing the administrative [i.e., regulatory] state.” Consistent with this …

“For Manufactured Housing, the Obama Administration Never Left Town” Read More »


“Industry, States and Consumers Must Resist HUD Installation Power Grab”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As MHARR continues to expose the outlines, extent and sheer audacity of HUD’s ongoing power grab under Administrator Pamela Danner to dictate installation standards and enforcement procedures in all fifty states – including states with complying, HUD-approved, state law installation programs – the Association has received a wave of concerned inquiries from industry members and …

“Industry, States and Consumers Must Resist HUD Installation Power Grab” Read More »